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Number of Quakes
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This graph shows earthquakes that have happened in the past four days (approximately). 

The graph you are currently viewing (that is hidden by this help information) is showing the
total strength of recent earthquakes

Instead of just displaying the points normally on the graph, what you see below is
known as a 'linear regression'
. The point of this is to find a straight line through the
points that best 'fits' those points. At the bottom of the graph, you can see a percentage
that indicates just how good the 'fit' actually is.

If the line is heading up, you have an indication that earthquakes are increasing. If the
line is heading down, you have an indication that earthquakes are decreasing.

You can experiment with other ways of viewing this earthquake information by clicking on
the four different menu options to the left and top of the graph:

Data to Graph - Change this to be 'Number of Quakes' to see how many earthquakes
ocurred, to 'Total Strength' to see the absolute strengths of the earthquakes that
happened, or to 'Total Magnitude' to the sizes of earthquakes on the Ritcher scale.

Graph Style - This menu item allows you to see either the raw information (first option),
earthquakes, or to choose between two different ways of examining the trend over time.

Unfortunately, the USGS NEIC has (without any notice, explanation, or alternatives) stopped publishing data. This means that our Earthquake analysis is currently offline. We are investigating other sources of data, and will bring back our service as soon as possible.

You will still be able to use the 'historical' section to view past activity, but no new activity will be added until we can identify a viable alternative source of data.